Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Final Home Study

On Friday, October 1st, we had our third and final home study, this time at our house. I made sure to have Tab on hand for Deb (that's the innkeeper in me) which she was pretty stoked about and plenty of cookies from the inn which Hailey, her daughter seemed to enjoy. We showed Deb around the house and answered questions about our finances, where the new baby would sleep, etc. Since we own the inn and the mortgage for our house is included on the inn's books, our financial status looks really weird on paper. Deb said she might have a hard time explaining our lack of ownership or renting, but will figure something out. Hopefully this will not hold up the process.

After the hour or so visit, Deb told us that she had bumped us to the front of her homestudy piles since we had completed all the paperwork so quickly and had done our homework, so to speak. We are now just waiting for her to write up the homestudy in order to move forward with the process. She guesses she will be done in about two weeks so we are eagerly waiting for this piece and have all documents then ready to send off to immigration for approval so we can get an appointment to get our fingerprints done in Boston.

In the meantime, we have been reading others' blogs about their own process, we took an online adoption course which was one of five that we are required to take. It was called "Let's Talk Adoption" and to be honest, was mostly kind of lame, but gave a few good pieces of advice like the idea of telling the child's birth and homecoming story at each birthday as a tradition. James also surprised us all with a surprise that came in the mail - tee shirts for all of us with "Mom," "Dad," "Sister," and "Ethiopia" across the front. Abigail opened and distributed them all and we were all excited to "advertise" our plans. James has also been avidly investigating travel plans and following the Holt Ethiopia Adoption Yahoo group for tips and to learn about the timelines on others' progress. His enthusiasm is obvious and I'm so excited that he is so excited about the process.

And so we wait...

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